Stanbol Home

The RESTful Semantic Engine

Welcome to Apache Stanbol!

Apache Stanbol is an Open Source HTTP service meant to help Content Management System developers to semi-automatically enhance unstructured content (text, image, ...) with semantic annotations to be able to link documents with related entities and topics.

Please go to the official website to learn more on the project, read the documentation and join the mailing list.

Here are the main HTTP entry points. Each resource comes with a web view that documents the matching RESTful API for applications:

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This is the OSGi administration console (for administrators and developers). The initial username / password is set to admin / admin.

Use the console to add new bundles and activate, de-activate and configure components.

The console can also be used to perform hot-(re)deployment of any OSGi bundles. For instance to re-deploy a new version of this web interface, go to the $STANBOL_HOME/enhancer/jersey source folder and run the following command:

mvn install -o -DskipTests -PinstallBundle \